

前回「Dream Engines: Nomad Cities」に続いて、今回は「Glyph」の開発者にインタビューを実施させて頂き、いくつかの質問について回答を頂きました!



1.「Glyph」 の開発で最も困難だったことは何ですか?また、それをどのように克服しましたか?
(リードゲームデザイナー)Jesper Halfter氏: 「Glyph」の開発で最も困難だったことの一つは、挑戦と自由が調和する良いバランスに到達することでした。私たちは「Glyph」を通して、プレイヤーが時間をかけて操作がうまくなることを楽しめるような体験を作りたいと思いました。プレイヤーのスキルが向上することで、新たな可能性や道が開けることを理解してもらいたいのです。そうなれるようにキャラクターの移動能力やレベルを設計することは、私たちにとって大きな課題でした。例えるなら、スケートボードを使いこなせるようになりたい人のためのコースをデザインするようなものです。私たちが明確に定義したチャレンジ、あるいはプレイヤーが上達していけるように自身で定義したチャレンジを、プレイヤーが乗り越えた時の喜びを感じられるようなコースを作ることが課題となります。失敗すれば痛いし、それが分かっても何度も失敗します。でも、うまくなって自信がついてくると、新しい目標ができて、自分でも驚くようなことができるようになります。


この問題を解決するために、「Glyph」はかなりオープンなゲームとして設計されています。例えば、 さまざまなルートがあり、そのルートを自分で決めることができます。1つのレベルの中ですべてを集めなければならないということはありません。それでも、プレイヤーはそうしたり、レベルを探索したりしたいです。自分が「全部集められる」「全部探索できる」を証明したいという衝動に駆られるでしょう。

1. What is the most difficult part of the development for Glyph, and how do you overcome it?
Jesper Halfter, Lead Game Designer: In general, one of the most challenging parts of the development for Glyph has been to hit a sweet spot where challenge and freedom align. With Glyph, we wanted to create an experience where players can enjoy investing time into becoming great at movement. We want them to understand how their improving skills will open up new possibilities and paths forward. It has been a challenge for us to design the levels and movement abilities of the character in ways where the players achieve these goals. You can compare it to designing a course for people who want to learn to use a skateboard. There’s a challenge in creating the course in a way where the player feels great for having overcome the challenges that we clearly define for them and, in particular, the challenges that they define for themselves as they improve along the way. It will hurt to fail, and you will fail a lot. Still, once you become better and gain confidence, you will start setting new goals for yourself and even surprise yourself with what you can do.

Developing a game that confronts you with that experience has been one of the most difficult parts of the process.

To attack that problem, Glyph is designed as a fairly open game. There are different routes to take, and often you will be defining those routes for yourself. You are not expected to have to collect everything within a level. Still, you will feel encouraged to do so and to explore what the levels have to offer. You will likely start feeling an urge to collect everything within the levels and want to see all that there is to see to prove to yourself that you did it.
We are stepping back and letting the player get comfortable at the demanding end of the table. We create a contract with the player where the game is satisfied when you perform well and where you will be rewarded for exceptional performance. The reward is not just by the game but by yourself in particular.

2. あなたはどのように発売前のプロモーション行いましたか?
(マーケティング)Rasmus Stouby氏: 実際には、見せるべき製品がないので、大したことはできませんでした。そこで、ゲームを紹介するためのデモを開発し、itch.ioなどのデモ好きなサイトに載せることを始めたわけです。








2. How did you promote Glyph before release?
Rasmus Stouby, Marketing: In reality, we couldn’t do much, as we had no product to show. So, that is why we started to develop a demo that could showcase the game and put it on itch.io and other websites that likes demos and such.

But, I established what genre (marble games/ball rollers) our game belongs to and got smart about these games’ history. That helped us find our best audience.

Make sure to set up a page on Steam (if that is your platform) and a server on Discord (for example) right away. Update those pages with the progress of your game (images, videos). Send out a news message through Steam every time you feel you reach a milestone. I did some of these things, but not all. I have learned, however, that it’s crucial to get started early.

I then started re-organizing our website. When I joined the company, the website did not have a lot of information on it, so we added more content like screenshots, videos, and links to our community servers (Discord, youtube, etc.). We added a reviews page and a BUY option. Significantly, we added a Press page with contact info and a press kit (images, video, logos, gifs, and more) for interested journalists. It’s wise to make things as easy as possible for journalists, reviewers, and customers. When they come to your website, they should easily and quickly get whatever they want, be it contact information, content for articles, or simply a buy option (link to Steam).

Next, I started contacting small-time YouTubers. In contrast to the big fish on YT, these guys are happy and honored that you get in touch with them and value their opinions. Their following is a lot smaller, but people who follow small-time YouTubers engage more with the products presented to them, so you are starting a (small) conversation. Join in – go to the comment sections and introduce yourself. They love to hear from the developers/marketing people behind the game. Don’t be afraid to share. Don’t make any promises regarding the game’s development, though, as your ideas about what you want to do can change.

Simultaneously I started reaching out to journalists. Again, I started with small websites. You must have some successes, in the beginning, to keep yourself motivated. It’s easier with the small sites because they don’t get as much attention as Kotaku or other big brand sites. They’ll write about you, play your game, share you on Twitter. Another conversation about your game has started – join in!

Then you start getting in touch with more prominent sites. It requires a lot of hard work if you cannot afford a press service that sends your messages to 5,000 journalists at once. You have to find each and every email/Twitter handle/etc. yourself, and that is a lot more time-consuming than you’d think. It feels like some of these sites are actively trying to hide their contact information!

The good thing about doing it yourself is that you will be building relationships with the individual journalists as you email back and forth or DM on Twitter (if they answer). Remember to be respectful, serious, and a bit lucky. They’ll be more likely to look at your communication if they “know you” personally. Of course, that is no guarantee they will write everything you’d like them to, but it is a good achievement just to have them consider it.

(CEO)Bo Bennekov氏: 私たちは自己資金で「Glyph」を作りました。自社のゲーム(KittypocalypseとDick Wilde)の販売に成功し、他の企業や組織にプログラミングサービスを販売した売上でGlyphの資金を調達していました。

3. How did you fund the budget for Glyph or overcome any budget difficulties during development?
Bo Bennekov, CEO: We self funded Glyph. We are successful in selling our other games (Kittypocalypse and Dick Wilde), and also in selling programming services to other businesses and organisations. We have been able to fund Glyph with the proceeds from those income streams.

(リードゲームデザイナー)Jesper Halfter氏: ローカライズする言語を決める際には、いくつかの要素を考慮しました。主な要因のひとつは、その言語が当社のゲームがターゲットとしている市場に適しているかどうかです。もちろん、すべての言語にローカライズすることが望ましいのですが、限られたリソースの中で開発していくには、この点を考慮する必要があります。どのような地域や文化で自分が作ったゲームを楽しめるのか、また、どのような地域や文化であれば、ローカリゼーションを正しく完成させるために労力がどれくらいいるのか、リソースがあるのかを考えました。言語によっては、正しく完成させるためにかなり大きな労力を必要とする場合がありますが、もっと簡単な場合もあります。

4. What are your main deciding factors when choosing a language for localization of Glyph?
Jesper Halfter, Lead Game Designer: We consider several factors when we decide on languages for localization.
One of the main ones is whether the language is suitable for the market we are targeting with our games. Optimally we would have localization for every language, but this is important to consider when operating with limited resources. We think about what regions and cultures are most likely to enjoy our game and which of these are substantial enough for us to justify the amount of effort it takes for us to do proper localization. We also consider the number of resources it takes to complete the localization correctly. For some languages, localization may take a considerably large amount of effort to do properly. At the same time, it may be more straightforward for other languages.

(マーケティング)Rasmus Stouby氏: 先に言ったように、早めにコミュニティを立ち上げることです。他の開発者と関わりを持ち、経験を共有し、可能な限り助け合いましょう。また、ゲームのホームページに進捗状況をアップしたり、小規模なレビュアーやYouTuberに早めに連絡したりしましょう。

5. Do you have any advice for other indie game creators?
Rasmus Stouby, Marketing: As mentioned earlier; set up your communities early. Get involved with other devs – share experiences and help each other when you can. Update your pages with your progress. Contact small-time reviewers and YouTubers early.


